Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Eve of The Leave

Well I'm all packed and ready to go...  I don't know if my car could actually take any more stuff.  I think my biggest fear... or maybe I should word it as, "my biggest prayer" is that my tires don't explode.

So I was reading about the story of the Moravian missionaries. They we two young men who desired to take the gospel to a small slave island. The only way they could do so would be to actually sell themselves into slavery. And this is exactly what they did. They had such a burden to reach these slaves that they were willing to become one themselves. They infamous part of the story comes just as these two men were boarding the ship that would take they to the slave island. As they turned back to their loved ones just before the ship set sail they boldly proclaimed, "May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering!"

This is such an inspirational story... But the other day I read what happened next... They died on the boat! they didn't even make it to the Island.

I really don't want to die somewhere in Kentucky...

In all seriousness, I don't think this story is a tragedy. The Bible teaches us that God appoints the death of every man. they left this world precisely when God wanted them to. I suppose I wonder what it would be like to never seemingly "accomplish" anything for the Lord in this life. I am sure that many look at these two Moravians and say such of them. But though they are dead, yet they speak. countless people have been inspired by their story to attempt great things for Jesus, "that the Lamb who was slain might receive the reward of his suffering."

And one other thing... if I just so happen to die in kentucky, there will be no remorse in this either. For like the Moravians, what better way to go than knowing that you are following Christ with all that is in you.

May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward of His suffering!

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