Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Eve of The Leave

Well I'm all packed and ready to go...  I don't know if my car could actually take any more stuff.  I think my biggest fear... or maybe I should word it as, "my biggest prayer" is that my tires don't explode.

So I was reading about the story of the Moravian missionaries. They we two young men who desired to take the gospel to a small slave island. The only way they could do so would be to actually sell themselves into slavery. And this is exactly what they did. They had such a burden to reach these slaves that they were willing to become one themselves. They infamous part of the story comes just as these two men were boarding the ship that would take they to the slave island. As they turned back to their loved ones just before the ship set sail they boldly proclaimed, "May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering!"

This is such an inspirational story... But the other day I read what happened next... They died on the boat! they didn't even make it to the Island.

I really don't want to die somewhere in Kentucky...

In all seriousness, I don't think this story is a tragedy. The Bible teaches us that God appoints the death of every man. they left this world precisely when God wanted them to. I suppose I wonder what it would be like to never seemingly "accomplish" anything for the Lord in this life. I am sure that many look at these two Moravians and say such of them. But though they are dead, yet they speak. countless people have been inspired by their story to attempt great things for Jesus, "that the Lamb who was slain might receive the reward of his suffering."

And one other thing... if I just so happen to die in kentucky, there will be no remorse in this either. For like the Moravians, what better way to go than knowing that you are following Christ with all that is in you.

May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward of His suffering!

A Poem

So... I Am Moving To St. Louis - Just Some Thoughts

Believe me I know how crazy this sounds, but I see it as going out by faith. My hope and aim is simple: Move to a city that God has called me to, and live my life for Jesus. There are thousands upon thousands of hurting broken people whom Jesus loves and desires to save. I am firmly convinced that if I am not a friend of these people, these lost people, I am not being like Jesus. I want to meet people, get to know people, and fall in love with people. I want to help them. I want to hurt with them. But more than anything else, I want to tell them the gospel and see them saved and changed. These are the burning desires of my heart. 

I will need to find work. I am not afraid of working a secular job, and I will not reduce “full time” ministry to the mere thought of getting a bi-weekly check from a church. I hope to exert all my efforts toward ministering full time. What better way to build relationships with unbelieving people than in a secular environment where my performance will be evaluated and compared to the rest of the world? I am praying that in my lifestyle, work ethic, and speech I can show people that I am “peculiar,” and the reason is Jesus.

I believe with all my heart that when the gospel is faithfully preached unbelievers will be converted. Christ has much people in this city, and when they here the gospel they will be awakened to glorious salvation.

When Peter was out on the ship working all day and catching nothing, he must have been frustrated. I can't imagine how he must have felt when Jesus told him to go back out, and this time cast his nets on the other side of the ship. Peter must have been thinking, "this guy is crazy, I mean, I'm a professional fisherman." But in spite of what he thought- in spite of what seemed illogical to him- in spite of what his head was telling him- Peter obeyed. And when he did to his amazement the nets were so full that they needed to call for help to get them back into the boat. What Jesus says next to Peter, I find so much encouragement in. "Peter, from now on you will catch men!" Jesus didn't just say that Peter would exert all his efforts in the act of fishing- he said that there will be a harvest.

The key was he obeyed. As best I know how I am trying to obey the leading of the Lord- and I believe there will be a harvest. I believe we will see men caught from the pits of hell by the grace of God through the preaching of the Gospel. This is what I believe. And God can do it. And God will do it. But even if not, I will praise him still.

I will be very honest. I don’t know where this road will take me. But I can promise you that I love God, and love people. I know that God’s greatest desire is his glory, and people’s greatest need is salvation. I also know that scripture is my only firm foundation. Every thing is to be tried by this- Whether it be doctrine, practice, or advice from any “church leader”. As I said, I don’t know where this road leads, but I do believe that if I stay close to the Lord, faithful to his word, and obedient to his commission- it will lead to a good place.

Pray for me...